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Schema-less persistence for Smalltalk with support for multiple backends.

Installing Pharo

Image and VM

You can install Pharo in several ways as described here.

The recommended way here is to do it to do it from the command line as you would in a CI production version build using:


$ mkdir my-new-pharo-project
$ cd my-new-pharo-project
my-new-pharo-project$ curl | bash
my-new-pharo-project$ curl | bash

Where the 110 denotes the version for Pharo 11 and the first command is for the image and the second for the VM.

With that you are basically ready to start.


my-new-pharo-project$ ./pharo-ui Pharo.image
Productivity customization

Would you prefer a dark theme for your IDE?

Here is a nice warm dark theme for Pharo

Playground on Pharo

"Loads the Dawn theme in Pharo"
Metacello new 
	baseline: 'PharoDawnTheme';
	repository: 'github://sebastianconcept/PharoDawnTheme:pharo11';

And this is a nice window manager for Pharo: TilingWindowManager

Playground on Pharo

"Loads the Dawn theme in Pharo"
Metacello new 
  githubUser: 'pharophile' 
  project: 'TilingWindowManager' 
  commitish: 'master' 
  path: 'packages';
  baseline: 'TilingWindowManager';

Mapless source code in GitHub

Brought to you by Flowing

Since April 2014